If you wish to create a link on your website to direct users to a specific IR form (Student Conduct, Title IX, etc), you would use a custom URL that includes the name of the incident type you wish to default them to.
For Incident Types that are accessible via the Guest IR Form (user does not need to be logged in to submit):
For example, if you wish to direct users to your Sexual Misconduct IR form, you would take your Guardian IR form URL, which will be:
And Append the following to the url:
?incident_type=NAME OF INCIDENT TYPE
So, if the name of my Title IX Incident Type in Guardian is "Sexual Misconduct", my URL would be:
Any Spaces in the name of your incident type should be replaced by "%20"
Note: The Name of the Incident Type added must be an exact match (case sensitive) to the name of your Incident Type in Guardian configurations.
Further examples might be:
For Incident Types that require a user to be logged in in order to submit:
For example, if you wish to direct users to your Sexual Misconduct IR form, you would take your Guardian IR form URL, which will be:
And Append the following to the url:
?incident_type=NAME OF INCIDENT TYPE
So, if the name of my Title IX Incident Type in Guardian is "Sexual Misconduct", my URL would be:
Any Spaces in the name of your incident type should be replaced by "%20"
Note: The Name of the Incident Type added must be an exact match (case sensitive) to the name of your Incident Type in Guardian configurations.
Further examples might be:
See a quick video to show the functionality: