Definition of User Roles

Super Admin – The System Administrators of your institution’s Guardian platform. Super Admins may perform any function within the system, including configuration, data management, user management, case assignment, case management, and reporting. Super Admins will have access to any and all user and case information in the system, as well as to System Logs.

Super Admins do not receive any automatic notifications. A Super Admin may receive a notification when:

  1. A case is assigned to them
  2. They are invited to a meeting
  3. They are a recipient of an email or letter
  4. A report is shared with them
  5. They export a case

Incident Type Admin – Incident Type Administrators are specific to Incident Types. An Incident Type Admin may perform any function within their designated workflows, including configuration, data management, user management, case assignment, case management, and reporting. Incident Type Admins will have access to any and all user and case information for their respective workflows, and will be able to view a user’s case history for their respective workflows. An Incident Type Admin may be an Incident Type Admin of multiple incident type workflows, and/or may also be an Incident Type Hearing Officer of various workflows. 

For the Incident Types in which a user is an Incident Type Admin, they will receive notifications when:

  1. A new Incident Report Submission
  2. A case is assigned to them
  3. A case exceed an expected due date
  4. An involved party's sanction goes overdue (if they are the Case Owner)
  5. An involved party makes an Appeal (if they are the Case Owner)
  6. A case is discarded
  7. A case is closed
  8. They are invited to a meeting
  9. They are a recipient of an email or letter
  10. A report is shared with them
  11. They export a case

Case Assigner – Case Assigners are specific to Incident Types. A Case Assigner may perform any non-configuration function within their designated workflows, including case assignment, case management, and reporting. Case Assigners will have access to any and all user and case information for their respective workflows, and will be able to view a user’s case history for their respective workflows. A Case Assigner will not be able to access the Configurations Tab or make/change any system Configurations for that Incident Type. A Case Assigner may be a Case Assigner of multiple incident type workflows, and/or may also be an Incident Type Hearing Officer of various workflows. 

For the Incident Types in which a user is an Incident Type Admin, they will receive notifications when:

  1. A new Incident Report Submission
  2. A case is assigned to them
  3. A case exceed an expected due date
  4. An involved party's sanction goes overdue (if they are the Case Owner)
  5. An involved party makes an Appeal (if they are the Case Owner)
  6. A case is discarded
  7. A case is closed
  8. They are invited to a meeting
  9. They are a recipient of an email or letter
  10. A report is shared with them
  11. They export a case

Incident Type Hearing Officer – Hearing Officers (also known as Investigators) are specific to Incident Types. A Hearing Officer may perform any function within only cases assigned to them, including case management, case history viewing, and reporting. Hearing Officers will have access to any and all user and case information that pertains to the cases to which they are assigned. A Hearing Officer may be a Hearing Officer of multiple incident type workflows, and/or may also be an Incident Type Admin of various workflows. Incident Type Officers do not receive notifications when new Incident Reports are submitted for the Incident Types which they are Officers. 

For the Incident Types in which a user is an Incident Type Officer, they will receive notifications when:

  1. A case is assigned to them.
  2. A case exceed an expected due date
  3. An involved party's sanction goes overdue
  4. An involved party makes an Appeal
  5. They are invited to a meeting
  6. They are a recipient of an email or letter
  7. A report is shared with them
  8. They export a case

View Only – A user with View Only access for a particular incident type will be able to view all cases and information contained within cases for each Incident Type for which they have View Only access. View Only users will not have any ability to modify information on such cases. A View Only user may also run reports and view statistics for the Incidents Types which they have View Only access.

A View Only user will only receive notifications when:

  1. A case is assigned to them (they then become eligible for all "Incident Type Officer" notifications.
  2. They are invited to a meeting
  3. They are a recipient of an email or letter
  4. A report is shared with them

Configuration Manager – A user with Configuration Manager access will be able to manage any and all system configurations within Guardian, such as incident types, workflow, and configurable fields. If a Configuration Manager does not have any additional access to Incident Types (such as Officer or Admin), they will not receive any notifications and will not be able to view any case information.

Student Staff – Student Staff users are students of the college/university who have been granted Student Staff access to aid in case management. Student Staff may perform limited case management functions within only cases assigned to them. Student Staff will have access to limited user and case information that pertains to the cases to which they are assigned. A Student Staff may be a Student Staff of multiple incident type workflows.

A Student Staff user will only receive notifications when:

  1. A case is assigned to them (they then become eligible for all "Incident Type Officer" notifications.
  2. They are invited to a meeting
  3. They are a recipient of an email or letter
  4. A report is shared with them

Staff – Staff users are any non-student employee of the institution, including but not limited to Staff, Faculty and Employees. Staff users may only submit Incident Reports via the Incident Reporting Form and may view limited information regarding cases in which they are an Involved Party, such as documents, emails, and meetings shared with them by Officers, Admins or Super Admins in the User Portal.

A Staff user will only receive notifications when:

  1. A case is assigned to them (they then become eligible for all "Incident Type Officer" notifications.
  2. They are invited to a meeting
  3. They are a recipient of an email or letter
  4. A report is shared with them

Student – Student users are any user that is a student of the institution. Student users may only submit Incident Reports via the Incident Reporting Form and may view limited information regarding cases in which they are an Involved Party, such as documents, emails, and meetings shared with them by Officers, Admins or Super Admins in the User Portal.

A Student user will only receive notifications when:

  1. They are invited to a meeting
  2. They are a recipient of an email or letter
  3. A Sanction is coming due
  4. A Sanction is overdue

Note: Certain Roles Override others:

  • Super Admin overrides Incident Type Admin
  • Incident Type Admin overrides Incident Type Officer
  • Incident Type officer overrides View Only